Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Surgery Minus 4 Weeks - Exercises

I have been doing leg exercises every day. Ouch. I knew my legs were weak from having bad knees for years and years, but doing these leg exercises really bring home just how weak I am.

There is no way I can do squats, so I've sort of made up some of my own exercises. My physical therapist (for my arm) gave me some printouts of a few things I can do, so I've been faithfully doing those. I do them all in the bath. I do love my hot baths!

-Quadriceps Set
-Heel Slide
-Clam Shell 45 degrees
-Straight Leg Raise
-Bent Leg Raise
-Wall squats (my version)

I should be scheduling a pre-op class soon. I'll ask what other exercises I can be doing to help after surgery.

A lady at church is having knee replacement the same day as I am. It will be nice to have someone with whom to compare notes. Hubby said a guy who had the surgery a few weeks ago (3? 4?) stopped by the office today and bounded up the steps without any assistance. That's what I like to hear!

Then hubby said, "You never hear anyone say they regret having that surgery." Good point. I suppose it is because by the time we agree to have knee replacement, things are really bad and the surgery gives quite a bit of relief and returns mobility.

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