Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Five Weeks Post-Op

Wheee. I started outpatient physical therapy yesterday. I have the same therapist that I had with my arm. It was nice to not have to go through the "getting-to-know-you" phase with a new team member. We just snipe at each other when we need to, like old friends. :-)

I think she's trying to kill me, though. I have 4 new exercises, and I'm supposed to do 30 of them twice a day. THIRTY, TWICE A DAY. That's in addition to my other exercises that I'm already doing. It took me almost an hour this morning to do them all. And I still have to do at least another round, if not 2 more. And I am supposed to start doing my left leg, too. I'll either give up, give out, or come out looking like a female wrestler.

I told The Groom that our love birds may start cussing and groaning. They were paying close attention to me while I was suffering through the moves this morning.

So, 4 weeks from now I will be on day 1 post-op for my left knee. I'm looking forward to having it over with, but also dreading it. In comparing the knee surgery to others I've had, it was fairly easy. But.. it was surgery. There was pain. It's been hard work. I hope these knees last me the rest of my life.

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