Sunday, June 1, 2008

One Day Pre-Op, Nine Weeks Post-Op --- Give or Take

Wow. These last 4 weeks have gone by quickly. I've been doing my exercises most days. There is almost no pain in the right knee now. No swelling. I have no complaints at all.

My left knee, however, has been aching like crazy. I will be happy to have the replacement over with and be into recovery so the pain is lessened.

Surgery is at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow. *yawn* We have to be there at 5:00 a.m.

So, here we go again with the pictures. My left leg is really crooked! I'll post when I get home, probably Wednesday.


One of our lovebirds, Rob, died. His mate, Laura, seems to be doing ok. She has been very vocal, and I think she's attaching herself to a chewy strip thing hanging in her cage. I caught her napping next to it yesterday. We need to get her a stuffed bird for a mate.

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