Monday, April 21, 2008

Post-Op Day 20

I saw my surgeon today for my first post-op visit. Tomorrow will be 3 weeks. He is very pleased with my progress. We are scheduling surgery on my other knee in 6 weeks.

The staples were removed by home health on day 13. We also stopped the coumadin that day. I've been walking with and without the cane lately. I use ice once a day now, in the evening. By then, I'm usually a bit sore. I am still doing my exercises, and home health physical therapy comes three times a week. I forgot to ask about going to out patient PT. I guess the therapist can call and get the orders. I am doing 3 sets now, with my personal goal of working up to 4 sets.

I have an abdominal infection that I am keeping my eye on. I finally went to my PCP today, and he referred me to the surgeon who did my original hernia repair 3 years ago. I don't want this little thing to turn into a big thing, especially now that I have this foreign stuff in my leg.

I drove home from the doctor's. I'm free again! Not bad for less than 3 weeks out, eh?

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